Monday, February 20, 2012

Fat Tuesday!

So, I've decided that for lent I will be giving up terrible foods (with the exception of diet soda pop because I love it too much). I will go vegan for 40 days and 40 nights. Wish me luck!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Caramel & Peaches

I tried to make candy for the first time.  It didn't turn out super, but it was a good try.  Temperature is everything.  To make myself feel better, I baked some delicious peach bread.  I'm eating a slice right now.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Shy Kettles

I found out today, that my kettle is shy
I've owned the red pot for 6 months and not once has it whistled
Today I put the water on
I was alone, for the first time in ages
I was glad, for the first time in ages

The pot spoke!

A low whistle, not the obnoxious tones of most
My kettle is an alto, just like me
Being alone isn't so bad, I make friends in lone spaces
I know that soon I'll be aching for company, but at least I know that my kettle will be there to comfort me
Not all is lost
A constant comment awaits

The First of Many

It's easy to let a year go by and do absolutely nothing.  How many times have I plunked down in front of Netflix and spent hours watching mindless entertainment just because I take 10 seconds to think of something to do and get nothing?  Today I made the choice to do what I want.  Sometimes it takes more than 10 seconds to get up and play.  I want to have a legacy.